Do Yourself A Favour
ISBN: 9781610362191
This isn’t just a book. This is a manual for men, and an insight into men for women. With over half a million copies sold, marriages all over the world have been saved and renewed with its important message. Filled with good humour and invaluable lessons, this book will transform and refresh your struggling marriage, helping you to find that spark that is so desperately missed. It is a crucial guidebook for men who want to become the husbands that God intended them to be.
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This book is one that has impacted many marriages! When my marriage was falling apart I had a Christian friend that had bought the book to read...I saw him with it and felt compelled to ask him if I could borrow it to read (he was somewhat aware of my marital issues)...he did and I read it in one evening. The further I read in the book that more I understood and realized how much I had/was hurting my wife, not in a physical way, but rather mentally & emotionally by the way I didn't treasure her and what she wanted to and was able to contribute to our marriage. By the second chapter my heart was broken with conviction and tears of sorrow were prevalent! To be honest...this was about the second step in God intervening in my life to help me realize that I could not be a good husband without His love fully a part of it. But, this book is one I have cherished and given to a number of friends (guys) who had struggling marriages, and have seen the reading of this book having very positive results! This is not a "religious" book per se, although the author acknowledges that the love God wants us to give our wives is unselfish, honest, and regularly dispensed. If you, as a husband, are not in a good/great marriage I would consider this book a MUST READ...if you have a good/great marriage, I still think this book is an excellent book to remind us of the treasure and gift that God gives us in our wives...and this book helps us all to consider this and inspires us to love our wives in the way they need and the way we should!
The author speaks of things I thought only we women knew about the "heart" and "attitude" of the men we married. With support from the holy scriptures, Dr. Williams provides men with an awareness of the destructive patterns of behavior that have been reinforced by society in conflict with the WORD. Men "really get" this book, and can't seem to put it down. I felt better after reading it because it identified many behaviors my husband routinely used to distance himself and justify selfish behaviors.
Visiting a family on an impromptu vacation, this little book was lying neglected with dried pages after their pastor had suggested for the husband to read it fifteen years earlier (and hopefully still will). And now, this visitor was given the okay by the wife to read it, in those few days on what I now believe was a divine appointment. Ten years earlier my husband and I divorced after his unrepentant unfaithfulness and I was needing some more healing - and had been praying for it just two days earlier - especially since the aftermath of the divorce led to adrenal fatigue and put me in a vulnerable place in life raising our son by myself.
Yet, as I read that book (although let me say that regardless of the near complete "out" given to the wives by the author, I do believe each person must take personal responsibility), the confusion and shame began to make sense and dissipate. I am more ready now to go forward and without the truths from scripture taught in this book it wouldn't have been fully possible. So, though it does say written for men, he left a caveat by saying "and the women who want to understand how they think". I am here at Amazon to buy my own copy. I already asked my son to read it when he's a little older and preparing to be married. (Update: shortly after I ordered the book, I did have my son read it since I realized that the beliefs and behaviors that play out in marriage are being formed way before that. Why wait to correct views rather than originally shape them from scripture?)
This book highlights scriptures role in our everyday lives and the power that comes from Truth.
I bought this book at the suggestion of my lifelong pastor for my husband. He suggested every married couple should read this book. My husband has really enjoyed it and it has given him much insight. I lost my 1st husband to Cancer and me and my present husband reconnected (January 2011) after 21 years apart. We married 10 months after reconnecting and it has been WONDERFUL! I would highly suggest any couple to read this book!
Over 30 years ago, my wife had an emotional breakdown. I took her to our church counselor expecting him to "fix" her. After 30 minutes, he determined I was the cause. As it turned out, I was letting generational strongholds (harmful behavioral tendencies I learned from my parents) influence the way I was treating my wife and it was destroying her. The counselor told me I had to cut ties with my parents or face certain divorce in the future. Then, he handed me "Do Yourself a Favor: love your wife." I read the book and began doing the things it said a husband should do. The book has totally revolutionized our marriage and home. I really believe the book's contents could revolutionize the church worldwide. I'm SO thankful to God for bringing this book into my life. If you practice what it says to do, your (and your wife and children's lives as well) life will be incredibly blessed.
I ordered this book on 12-14-13 and received it very promptly. I noted numerous spelling errors in the book which seemed very strange for a publisher not to have corrected. I then found in the back of the book that it showed a publishing date of 12-17-13 on the back page of the book. I have attempted to contact the publisher to order more books and to advise them of the spelling errors throughout the book. I have not had any success to this point. The book is excellent and will cause husbands to really look at their God given role......John
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