ISBN: 9780882708751
When John Bunyan was sent to prison, he took with him two books: the Bible and Foxe's Book of Martyrs; while in prison, he wrote Pilgrim's Progress. Not long after no home was considered to be Christian unless they had a Bible, Foxe's Book of Martyrs, and Pilgrim's Progress.
This updated edition of Foxes Book of Martyrs, contains stories of persecution up to 2001. Stories of heroic courage and overcoming faith. Stories of love of God and Christ. Stories of the amazing grace of God that enabled men, women, and children to endure persecutions and often horrible deaths.
It's the same amazing grace that is available today to every child of God going through difficult and sometimes seemingly hopeless times in their lives. The grace that brings the "peace that passes all understanding," even in the most painful and traumatic situations.

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