ISBN: 9780882707631
This newly formatted Pure Gold Classic version of The Greatest Thing in the World, is in Drummond's original language, which is as stunning and elegant in its simplicity today as it was when he first spoke it. His message is clear. Love is the greatest thing in the world, life's richest experience, and the ultimate statement of our faith. All Scripture verses are from the King James Version of the Bible.
This volume includes two bonus works from Drummond's collection:
Pax Vobiscum
Drummond explores the topic of rest in a Christian's life—rest that is dynamic and filled with faith. Drummond says, "For in Rest there are always two elements—tranquility and energy, silence and turbulence, creation and destruction, fearlessness and fearfulness. This it was in Christ."
The Christian's Program
". . . as clearly as there comes to the growing child a knowledge of its father's part in the world, and a sense of what real life means, there must come to every Christian whose growth is true some richer sense of the meaning of Christianity and a larger view of Christ's purpose for mankind. To miss this is to miss the whole splendor and glory of Christ's religion." — Henry Drummond
Plus additional material on the Bible meaning of the word love by Harold J. Chadwick.
Henry Drummond was born in Scotland in 1851, he was a man of varied talents. Perhaps best remembered as a gifted evangelist who assisted Dwight L. Moody during his revival campaigns, he was also a lecturer in natural science. Although he never received a degree, he was an ordained minister and a professor of theology. He also wrote several books. "Natural Law in the Spiritual World", published in 1883, sold 70,000 copies in five years and made him famous. He published another popular book, "Tropical Africa", after making a geological survey of southern Africa. "The Ascent of Man" was also a significant book during his lifetime.
However, "The Greatest Thing in the World" - a meditation he wrote in 1874 that illuminates the importance of 1 Corinthians 13 - is the one that assured he would be remembered by later generations. Widely read and quoted during his lifetime, it went on to sell over 12 million copies and it continues today to influence people to follow God's two great commandments: to love God and to love each other.

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