ISBN: 9780882707501
For many years, Kathryn Kuhlman spoke over the radio to millions of listeners, opening her heart to them and sharing her experiences to help them learn the ways of God, of Christ, of the Holy Spirit. She shared the good times and the bad times, the crying times and the shouting times and thousands of listeners wrote to her and told her how much their experiences were like hers and how much her talks helped them. The best and most helpful Out of the many talks Kathryn gave, we have chosen eleven of her best and most helpful talks filled with her steadfast belief that "no Christian ever needs to be defeated." Where character is made Kathryn Kuhlman once said that "Christian character isn't made on the mountaintop, it's made in the valley." Yet it's through the valleys to the mountaintops that she leads you in these messages as she shares with you the wisdom she gained in her many years of walking with God. Read and share You will want to read this book again and again and share it with others. For that reason, we have kept this a small book, one you can carry with you and read often, and one you can give to friends to comfort them in the same way that we know it will comfort you. Kathryn would have liked that.

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