ISBN: 9780882700984
This book details how John G. Lake obtained the spiritual power for healing that he had, and shows how you can obtain that same spiritual power. It follows the spiritual journey that Lake took, and lays out in 10 chapters the steps that you must also take to receive the kind of spiritual power that enabled John G. Lake to heal so many who were desperately sick.
Any Christian, and especially any church congregation, can develop the spiritual power needed to heal the sick and set the captives free. All you or they have to do is be willing to take the same spiritual journey that Lake did. If you or a church congregation will do that, the sick will begin to be healed, and the captives will begin to be set free.
It's as guaranteed as the Words of Jesus: "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
How to Be Filled with Spiritual Power also contains John G. Lake's consecration to God, important dates in his life, and several photographs of Lake, his family and ministry team.
For five years in South Africa, John G. Lake displayed the greatest spiritual power seen since the days of Jesus — not only for others but also for himself. While assisting doctors during a bubonic plague outbreak, he was asked why he had not contracted the disease since he had used none of their medical protection. He said, "it is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus." To demonstrate, he had them take live bubonic plague germs still foaming from the lungs of a newly dead person and put them in his hands and then examine the germs under a microscope. They were dead.
Lake later moved to Spokane, WA, and established a healing ministry that was so effective that a prominent medical doctor said about it, "Rev. Lake's ministry of divine healing has made Spokane the healthiest city in the world." Several years later he moved to Portland, WA, and did the same there. And what Lake did, what his ministry in Spokane did, any Christian and any Christian congregation can also so.
Harold J. Chadwick has been a technical writer, freelance greeting card writer, greeting-card editor, director of Writer's Digest Correspondence School for Writers, travel and humor writer, ordained minister, pastor, Bible teacher, author, and co-founder of two ministries with his wife, Beverlee. For the past fourteen years he has served as a freelance editor and currently as senior editor for the Bridge-Logos Foundation. In addition to editing many of the Foundation's regular books, he has compiled, edited, and updated into modern English over 15 of the Foundation's Pure Gold Classics. He is also the author of We Shall Judge Angels and Christ Is God's Everything for You.

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