ISBN: 9780882705255
How do you respond when a coworker labels you intolerant for believing Jesus is the only way to
God? How would you answer those who claim the Bible is filled with contradictions, or there is no
absolute truth? The Evidence Study Bible arms you not just with apologetic information to refute the
arguments of skeptics, but with practical training on how to effectively and lovingly share the truth.
- Discover answers to over 200 questions such as: Why is there suffering? How could a loving
God send people to hell? What about those who never hear of Jesus?
- In addition to thousands of verse-related comments, over 130 informative articles will help
you better comprehend and communicate the Christian faith.
- Over two dozen articles on evolution will thoroughly prepare you to refute the theory.
- Dozens of articles on other religions will help you understand and address the beliefs of
Mormons, Hindus, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, cults, etc.
- Hundreds of inspiring quotes from renowned Christian leaders and practical tips on
defending your faith will greatly encourage and equip you.
The Evidence Study Bible provides powerful and compelling evidence that will enrich your trust in
God and His Word, deepen your love for the truth, and enable you to radically impact those you
care about.

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