ISBN: 9780882706566
In her miracle services, Kathryn Kuhlman would call out, "Stand and accept your healing. Come forward and tell us what God has done." She would look expectantly at children, adults, and ministers of all denominations with eyes full of compassion. She would say, "You're hungry for God." As she touched them they would fall under His power.
Through this book, you'll experience the explosive power and excitement of Kathryn Kuhlman's Miracle Services, and you will find new hope to meet your needs. God is a specialist when it comes to the impossible, and He is able to do anything but fail.
Among the twenty stories of miraculous healing, you'll read of how Captain LeVrier was healed of cancer, how Marguerite Bergeron's crippling and excruciating painful arthritis vanished, and how Donnie Greenwall walked out of his wheelchair.
Truly, Nothing Is Impossible with God!

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